Santa Is In Town!

Federal Armored Museum 130 LAKEFRONT DRIVE, HUNT VALLEY, MD, United States

SANTA IS IN TOWN!! Miss the Crowd and Take your Own Photos with Santa Federal Armored Museum 130 Lakefront Drive Cockeysville, MD 21030 Sunday, December 5, 2021 1PM-3PM There will be crafts for sale from local artists, opportunity to talk to Santa and take pictures, as well as other fun activities for the kids. No entrance fee but we are ...

Nichols College Tour and Luncheon (Private Event)

Federal Armored Museum 130 LAKEFRONT DRIVE, HUNT VALLEY, MD, United States

Students from the Criminal Justice Department at Nichols College came for a tour of the museum, lunch, and a presentation from a former FBI agent.  The students gained a deeper understanding of the armored car industry and the late Founder James Dunbar who helped establish the Criminal Justice program at Nichols.

Blakehurst Tour, Luncheon and Cyber Security Presentation

Blakehurst residence attended a tour of the museum, learned how to further protect themselves when on the internet, and enjoyed a hot lunch while socializing with other residents and members from the museum.

Triumphs Around the Chesapeake Car Club Fall Foliage Tour

Federal Armored Museum was a featured stop on the Triumphs Around the Chesapeake Car Club Fall Foliage Tour.  Members participating in the car rally had to stop by the museum to collect a card as part of the rally and if they chose could tour the museum at that time or return at a later time to look around.

Santa Is Coming to Town

Federal Armored Museum 130 LAKEFRONT DRIVE, HUNT VALLEY, MD, United States

  Skip the crowds and take your own photos with Santa! • Meet & talk to Santa • Christmas carols sung by the Maryland Boys Choir • Kids activities • Artisans & consultants selling: candles, jams, fragrances, honey, totes, stained glass, food, cards, jewelry & more! Sunday, December 4 - 1-3pm Federal Armored Museum 130 Lakefront Drive, Cockeysville, MD 21030 ...


We will be at Touch A Truck!

Don't miss an Opportunity to Touch An Armored Truck along with all kinds of other Trucks!  We will be at Touch a Truck Sunday September 15th 11AM-1PM at Texas Roadhouse Parking Lot in Hunt Valley.  Proceeds Benefit The American Cancer Society.  Hope to See you There!  

Womens Bible Study – James What You Do Matters

Join woman studying the Book of James asking the question what you do does matter.  This study is six weeks long beginning on Thursday, September 19, 2024 from 7-8PM.  

Christmas Bazaar!

Plan on Joining Us on December 8th from 1-4PM for a chance to meet with Santa and do a little Christmas shopping from local vendors.  Admission is Free!!